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Debut Album~ Blooming


The creation of this album began as no more than words in old journals and whispered

fragmented melodies. Many of these are still stored in the voice memo app of countless generations of iPhones. What it has manifested into however, has been something of a metamorphosis of myself and of my life as I always thought I knew it. Upon beginning my journey in producing this album I realized that in order to see each of these pieces, pieces not just of my music, but of my music as a reflection of important moments in my life to their fullest fruition, I was going to have to take a difficult dive down to the roots of who I am. Through the creation and production of each of these pieces, I was able to explore parts of myself that I had long since put away and forgotten. Though at times these revelations were emotionally hard to traverse, it was through the embrace of all that my life once was, and as a reflection of that, the songs that I wrote through those times, that allowed me to begin the journey of accepting all that I now am and t.  start steering my gaze toward the possibility of the unknown rather than the fear of

the very same. Furthermore, each of these pieces tells a story in abstract and literal forms of my experiences related to the mind and how external influences shape our own mind’s view of itself and of the body and soul within which it resides.


Pursuit single release August 18th, 2023 

Anxiety single release August 25th, 2023

Blooming Full release~ September 8th, 2023






Track 1~ Awaken

“The sounds of your soul, no longer cries, but still bold; 

songs that lift a load off of your tired bones”


I wrote Awaken as a hopeful declaration and as a reminder to myself that everything has a beginning and an ending; a rising and a falling. This is something that I’ve found especially important to remember in the face of my lowest moments; moments that will eventually….have an ending. I hope it can be a reminder for you too. 


Track #2~ Humanity

“For beneath our contrasting shades, we are the same. Alike at the very core of ourselves; alike in our humanity.”


The events of the past couple of years-the wrongful murder of George Floyd and many other people of color being the unfortunate catalyst for these events- have forced the eyes of many, including myself, wide open. As a result, I was very much inspired to write/produce Humanity. This song, not only tells the story of humanity’s unfortunate habit of condemning those that are different, but also how in the midst of our focus on what makes us different we have forgotten that we are all alike in our humanity. We have to start shifting our minds toward those commonalities if we want the human race to not only survive, but grow and thrive.

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Track #3 Opal

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“She of all colors and no colors at all”


Opal tells the story of a gem not quite knowing where she fits within the rest of them because of her different appearance. This story is a metaphor for my own life and my journey toward accepting all of the shapes and colors that make me. It is my hope that this piece can help you along in your own journey toward self acceptance.

Track #4~ Anxiety

"....all of the things that I should have buried, dead versions of me called anxieties"


Anxiety was meant to be an expression of the cycle of fear within which many of us have lived our lives, giving each of our anxieties the permission to control every single action that we make. The struggle to come out of this cycle, for me, has been really difficult, and I realize now that I may never really come completely out of it, only perhaps get better at coping when it inevitably does circle back. I hope this song resonates with any one who has felt overwhelmed with anxieties…and perhaps acts as a reminder to keep trying in the midst of them.​

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Track #5 Erosion

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"One day I'll stop growing. One day I'll stop blowing. One day I'll stop living"


Erosion talk about our treatment of the Earth and it's eventual downfall, should we continue on in

the way that we have been. In parallell, I also wrote this piece as a metaphor for how we treat ourselves. We are all constantly ripping and scraping at the parts of ourselves that we don’t like, hoping to whittle who we are down into something palatable for society.

Track #6~ Hollow

"But if we burn we will leave something good behind. Our ashes will be soil in which they come alive. Palettes from us and our roots and our earth. They will sprout from us."


Hollow talks about personal and external prejudices related specifically to the size and shape of our bodies. I began writing Hollow at a time in my life where I had virtually no love for my plus size and curvy shaped body. As a result, I knew that the process of finishing it would be emotionally difficult, but I could just feel that once I completed it, my experience would help me to take immense strides in my own journey toward self acceptance and self love and help others do the same. Hollow speaks on our relationship with our bodies as a whole and how society tries to be the shaper and molder of this, but we must realize that external views of who we are only have the power to shape us if we let them. We actually have all it takes to find love and admiration for our bodies if we only begin to live by our own definition of beauty and not the ones that society creates for us. In so doing we can become an example for others to do the same; and, eventually, turn into a world that leads with grace and acceptance over fear and hate.

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Track #7~ Casadastraphobia

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"I've become the stars I thought would catch me."


Casadastraphobia is defined as the fear of falling into the sky and is also the title of this next piece. This idea was sort of beautiful, to me, as I really related to it in an interesting way. I found it to be a sort of reflection of my own fear of putting my art and ultimately myself into the world to be seen and to be heard. This fear stemmed from the possibility of falling on display for everyone to see, and furthermore not believing in my ability to rise instead or to rise even after falling. But, what I began to realize is that

everything we do in life is similar to falling. Sometimes we know the trajectory of our motions and

sometimes we don’t, but if we never leapt at all we would still be in the same place we've always been,

never progressing. I wrote this piece as a culmination of these thoughts and as a letter to myself, and

anyone really, who has let the fear of falling stop them from moving at all.

Track #8 Flowers

"Baby you are sun showers, helping me to see flowers in me."


Flowers was written to express the strength that we can find in others, as we begin and continue our journey of self love. Throughout these past couple of years, being some of the hardest, but most integral to my growth, I have been aided so much by my loved ones. Without them, walking alongside

me, I am certain that I would not be here today. This piece was written in gratitude to those willing to walk alongside us as we journey to the roots of ourselves; those that not only help pull us from the soil, but also help us to eventually see the growth and beauty that can come as a result of acknowledging all that we’ve gone through.

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Track #9 Purgatory

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"It is in the waiting where we find our strength; where we find our souls and where we become whole"


Purgatory explains what may happen to us

when we let our minds fester with fear. The song is sung from the perspective of life itself, pleading with us not to end it all, but to continue waiting for her and for our minds to grow. These, seemingly, stagnant

moments are where we have the potential to either end ourselves, or to find a great strength that we may otherwise have never known.

Track #10~ Pursuit

"We may walk a narrow path, but this road is covered in tracks. Footsteps of those who have passed guide our souls."


Pursuit was written as an anthem to remind us that the greatest strength we have in life is our connection to one another. Leaning on the people in our lives, wether they are living or celestial will give us the strength to continue pursuing life in the midst of it's highs and lows.

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